The Gateway to Innovation in Education: The Exhilarating Launch of the #GuruGemilang Generation Professional Development Program for Educators

Dipublikasikan : Minggu, 21 Agustus 2022

By: Fitria Khairunnisa

Reinventing the Way You Teach

On Friday (12/08/2022), Generation Educators (GenEd) together with Sekolah Inspirasi successfully held the launch of the #GuruGemilang Generation Training, which was attended by 187 Elementary School Leaders and 248 Teachers from 293 Public Elementary Schools throughout the city of Bandung.

#GuruGemilang Generasi Program is sponsored by Sekolah Inspirasi, with Deloitte as an industry partner. GenEd also collaborated with DisDik and the signing of a cooperation agreement with DisDik Bandung was held on Tuesday (19/07/2022).

Also present at this event: Drs. Hikmat Ginanjar, M.Sc. as the Head of the Bandung City Education Office (Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bandung), Dadang Supriatna, S.Pd., M.Ed., as the Widyaiswara expert associate of the Head of the Guru Penggerak Program (Widyaiswara ahli madya Kapokja Program Guru Penggerak), Steve Aditya as the Clients & Market Director of Deloitte Indonesia, and Prof. Dr. M. Solehuddin, M.Pd., MA as the 10th Rector of the Indonesian Education University (Rektor Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ke-10).

Why is this event taking place?

“The quality of an education system can never exceed the quality of its teachers”.

–Andreas Schleicher, Director of OECD and Creator of PISA assessment 

GenEd's motivation arose from the realization that skills gaps have inevitably persisted in the workplace, including in educational settings, and that one element of advancing Indonesia's education system is to promote equality and give educators more authority through training and skill development. Additionally, GenEd establishes a connection between industry and education so that it may close the gap, expand its impact, and produce greater economic opportunities more evident.

The emergence of an educated generation with a broad range of skills relies on educators, who function as a turning point or the foundation of education. However, in order to accomplish its primary goals, education must therefore advance at a faster rate than the times and the rate of technical advancement.

GenEd achieves this acceleration by implementing projects that include a variety of 21st-century skills, including information literacy, data literacy, design thinking, and entrepreneurial mindset. Teachers are expected to innovate in the classroom with the assistance of this curriculum. Innovation necessitates the redesign, reinvention, and reconstruction of existing systems and viewpoints towards something new because it does not always entail technology.

These topics were selected in an effort to raise generations that are economically savvy, have high levels of tolerance, and can think critically. Of course, GenEd cannot accomplish this important purpose alone. With educators as the main actors, the launch of this event was also completed with the assistance of numerous parties from various businesses.

It is also the perfect time since the #gurugemilang Generation Training aligns with the Guru Penggerak Program, Merdeka Belajar Curriculum, Merdeka Belajar, dan Sekolah Merdeka. Teachers who have not had the opportunity to take part in the guru penggerak program or other training opportunities could benefit equally from this program as well.

The Speakers

GenEd features speakers who are experts in their industries on the four topics mentioned above. To make the experience more vibrant and less monotonous, the speakers delivered their talks from a stage whose design was inspired by TEDx Talks.

Information Literacy #democritizeinformation

Kania Aisha Pasaman, IDN Media's Head of Communication, presented information literacy. Indonesia was suffering a catastrophe of information literacy, according to Kania. Why is it the issue?

Information can quickly spread and without any filters in the age of technology and globalization, which will be continually expanding. Anyone who uses technology can access it, and if they lack basic literacy, the information may very well be inaccurate. Furthermore, a person is typically biased toward information, meaning that they seek out any information that can justify their viewpoint even if it is not necessarily correct.

Information literacy is a set of interconnected skills that includes the ability to find information in a reflective manner, comprehend how it is generated and evaluated, and utilize it to further knowledge and contribute meaningfully to learning communities.

In order to educate students about information literacy, there are five stages that can be followed: setting reading goals, setting up the classroom or classroom environment, maximizing library resources, teaching students to write and voice their thoughts, and teaching them how to spot fake news. As a result, it is believed that by developing students' information literacy skills, future generations will be able to: support decision-making, develop into learners in the knowledge-based economy era, and ensure the accuracy of information.

Data Literacy #dataiscommodity

Mutiara Annisa, a co-founder of Pandemic Talks and a lecturer at the Indonesia International Institute for Life Science, presented on the topic of data literacy. How can data assist someone in making the right decisions?

Data is the new "fuel" of the 21st century, explains Annisa. Truth be told, data is everywhere. starting with the simplest ones, like information on the preferred color of first-graders. Things should then be able to be processed until a decision is reached regarding how to design classrooms in the most comfortable way for students.

In practice, there is a link between information and data. This is primarily because data itself must contain information. However, this data is still dispersed, and we are still unable to draw any conclusions from it just yet. Therefore, data grouping, data filtering, and data processing are required so that the data can be converted into information that can be a source of reference for decision-making.

Students need to comprehend that we can't automatically rely on our sentiments to make decisions. But there must be a purpose for the data therein: "What do you construct of the data?" Because decisions based on data rather than feelings can be legitimately justified. 

Design Thinking #responsibleaarchitecture

Yanuar P. Firdaus, a Principal Architect at Aaksen, presented on the topic of design thinking. Humans definitely encounter issues throughout life. Inadequate solutions to problems may, of course, make things worse. What is the best way to resolve it?

There are numerous techniques involved, notably design thinking, which encompasses empathy. The steps in the design thinking process are empathizing with the problem, ideation, coming up with potential solutions, prototyping, and testing.

Why do we need architects to construct buildings, for instance, as an example of an industry that utilizes design thinking? Humans must be involved in the construction of buildings, and architecture is an intelligent approach to creating structures and their surroundings with a specific intention. Architecture is not just about building design procedures.

Design thinking is employed in architecture, and it covers a wide range of topics, including maintaining existing civilizations, fair trade, transforming communities, expanding local markets, etc. Students can come up with the best solution without denying empathy if you ask them to use this strategy in class.

Entrepreneurial Mindset #greenentrepreneurship

Raden Galih R., the founder and chief executive officer of Seribu Kebun/SeniTani, presented on the topic of entrepreneurial mindset. A specific mindset is necessary for an entrepreneur to be successful in overseeing his business. This manner of thinking can be implemented in the classroom to help students become more creative, productive, and financially savvy.

As stated by the speaker, the Anthropocene period, in which humans are the dominant and most influential species on earth, is currently taking place. Indeed, human activity can have both positive and negative effects on the planet, such as global warming. Education in this fourth industrial revolution should not only emphasize academics and attitudes but also economic literacy and cultivate in students a "green entrepreneurial mindset."

Given how poorly the earth has been doing, we must do our part to promote societal change in order to prevent further harm to the ecosystem. As a result, reforestation is not solely for financial gain.

An entrepreneurial mindset includes being innovative, imaginative, risk-taking, independent, self-starting, critical, analytical, and solution-focused, as well as communicative and collaborative. Therefore, students are not only encouraged to be intelligent and well-behaved, but they are also taught that taking risks in life is unavoidable and that they should not be afraid of it.

Our Aspiration

Teachers are invited to engage actively at the end of the event, demonstrating that the #gurugemilang generation training is not a redundant one-way process. On that occasion, teachers were handed a paper with the class layout so they could be innovative in redesigning the ideal classroom. The selected group comes to the stage to share their findings.

In the upcoming fiscal year, training will be provided for teachers and school leaders. Data literacy, information literacy, design thinking, and an entrepreneurial mindset are among the training topics. GenEd hopes to build a bridge between business and education through this event and the programs that will be launched in the future. GenEd also aspires to assist teachers in promoting innovation in the classroom in order to generate a generation that is prepared for the near future, the fourth and fifth industrial revolution. Students not only possess the ability to regulate their emotions and thoughts, but they can also think like entrepreneurs.

The responsibility to raise the next generation of Indonesian change makers does not solely rest on the shoulders of our Educators. We all play a part in educating the next future generation.

—Ghea, Founder and CEO of GenEd

GenEd believes that students need to be more involved to liven up the classroom atmosphere. GenEd also believes that every educator is capable of becoming an innovator and generating critical thinkers who can transform the world for the better. To improve dynamics and address the problem in Indonesian education, educators must be at the core of solutions.

The key components of the GenEd learning framework include innovative teachers and learning environments, engaging interactive lessons, and critical thinking. By fully addressing this, GenEd will be able to support the next generation of successful professionals as they join the industry's 4.0, 5.0, and subsequent revolutions alongside the teachers.

Together we can empower teachers, inspire generations, and transform a nation.

—Ghea, Founder and CEO of GenEd

Salam Generasi Gemilang