By Muh. Suluh Jati
Teachers will receive intensive training on 4 specific competencies
Hello Generasi Gemilang,
GenEd continues to realize its dream to support teachers as the front line of education to continuously improve their soft skills in this technological era. One of them is by collaborating with the Bandung City Education Office, which was recently initiated with the MoU. The signing of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) entitled the Program Generasi #GuruGemilangwith the theme "Bridging the Worlds of Business and Education: Empowering School Leaders and Teachers in Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0" between the two parties went smoothly. The event, which was held on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, took place at the hall of Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bandung (Bandung City Education Office). This event was attended directly by Mr. Drs. H. Hikmat Ginanjar, M.Sc. the head of the Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bandung (Bandung City Education Office) and several representatives of the Biro Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Kota Bandung (Bandung City Primary and Secondary Education Bureau). Meanwhile, the GenEd team itself was attended by the President Director of GenEd, Anggaris Anggia Cinta.
Under the agreement, GenEd will provide skills training and self-development for two hundred and seventy-four school leaders and about two hundred and fifty teachers from kindergarten, elementary to junior high schools in the Bandung City Environment from thirty schools in need. This GenEd activity is in line with the principle of the government curriculum, namely Merdeka Belajar, where students are free to explore their respective talents and interests. This curriculum is considered more flexible than previous curricula because learning does not only focus on theoretical in class but the development of soft skills and student character is expected to be improved. Teachers are also to be more creative and innovative in delivering the material. Therefore, the use of learning technology will be needed, especially in order to prepare a generation that is technology-literate and able to take advantage of technology.
In this activity, later the participants consisting of training for school leaders and teachers will be given training in essential competencies in the 21st century. These competencies include information literacy competence, data literacy, design thinking, and entrepreneurial mindset. All of these competencies have been arranged in a series of special activities that will start on August 12, 2022 until ending in June 2023. The output of this series of activities, the Bandung City Education Office and GenEd hope that teachers can process the materials presented into learning methods in class, class activities or textbooks so that students can also improve their soft skills in the midst of technological developments that are currently happening. Thus, they will be better prepared to face the flow of disruption and the world of work in the future.
Let's join GenEd and make the Guru Gemilang Program a success!
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